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Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union
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RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union
Hi rix,

There are two separate issues here. 

First is whether it is any of Russia's business what Estonians do with monuments on their territory -- it obviously isn't.  I don't see why Russian parliament sees it as their place to pass resolutions about it.  That's just silly.

The other issue is my opinion on the proposed removal.  I have mixed feelings about that.  Historical significance should be considered here and it sounds like the monument commemorates the Soviet Red Army's role in ending WWII, not necessarily Soviet occupation of Estonia.  That is likely why it has remained to this day, while hundreds of other Soviet symbols without any positive significance were promptly removed throughout the Baltic states after regaining independence.

I should note that the Allies victory and the end of WWII was not a factor contributing to Soviet occupation of Estonia.  That was already a part of the agreement between USSR and Hitler's Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) and the outcome for Estonia would have been the same either way.
Originally posted by rix
It seems that russians can be described this way: all that they doesn't like, does not exist or has to be annihilated.
Ironically, that line could also apply to removal of monuments.
Originally posted by rix
Time goes on and every day im becoming less and less tolerating against Russia and russians.
The Soviet occupation of Baltic states was an act by a regime that no longer exists even in Russia.  Blaming all people of Russian nationality for it is probably not very fair.

Overall, I think it's time for the Baltic states and Russia to get over the past and move on with the future.  Historical, cultural and economic connections have always existed there and probably should continue to. 

I wasn't planning to post this detail in the forums publically, but it may help you put my comments in context to know that I am Latvian (although I don't live in Latvia).
01-25-2007 04:18 AM
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Messages In This Thread
Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by rix on 01-24-2007 at 10:20 PM
RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by Rolando on 01-24-2007 at 10:44 PM
RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by foaly on 01-25-2007 at 12:37 AM
RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by Adeptus on 01-25-2007 at 04:18 AM
RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by Supersonicdarky on 01-25-2007 at 04:58 AM
RE: RE: Russia criticizing Estonia for removing monuments honoring Soviet union - by rix on 01-25-2007 at 02:19 PM

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