Originally posted by M73A
i dont know what space time continuem means, lol... im only up to episode 12, (Smilie) catching up!
I saw ep 12 about 10 mins back so im behind you. On tele they are showing ep 05 so i'm way ahead of everyone here
Space Time Continuum is something not related to the show. Its physics
Read Wiki On the Space Time Continuum
In American drama series Heroes, Hiro Nakamura possesses th ability to "bend spacetime" enabling him to teleport and time travel as well as stop, fast forward or slow down the flow of time. In one episode, a future Hiro displays fear of causing a "rift" in spacetime should he use his powers incorrectly.
That wiki page puts it perfectly. And since you've seen ep 12 (Godsend) you've seen Hiro slowing down time