RE: RE: Javascript Page Loading???
quote: Originally posted by hmaster
quote: Originally posted by Verte
For a long time I would have agreed, I haven't done it myself so I'm not sure. But many things have suprised me, I've seen drop down menus and OnHover sort of stuff done using only css, which I never thought possible.
BTW, The page in question relies on a plugin [I believe ActiveX] calling dd.elements.loading.hide(). [JS]
That's because CSS has a :hover property? But it doesn't have an onload() function like JS.
That page may use an ActiveX but I'm not sure its really needed .
It's not, I was just saying in case you weren't sure. Erm, part of me thinks whatever you're waiting to load could contain a little css at the end which hides the loading screen or something. I'm pretty sure that's not it, but that it involves a similar trick.
was put impeccably into words at DebianDay for me last Saturday, by Knut Yrvin of Trolltech - adults try something once, fail, and then are like "ffs this doesn't work". Children try, fail, and then try again, and succeed - maybe on the second, or even fifth retry. But the thing is that they keep at it and overcome the problems in the end.