Since the version 4.x of MP!L, when we right-click in the taskbar, on a conversation, we have two options: "Close All Chats" and "Close Current Chat". And the option for closing
all chats is the first from the bottom, which is not a good idea. Sometimes I am not paying too much attention to what I am doing and I right-click and click in the first option, and... *ups*... all my conversation windows are closed.
So, my question is: is there a way to invert these two options and put "Close Current Chat" as the first option from the bottom?
If there is no option for changing this, I think it would be a good idea to Patchou to think about changing it in the next release, because it's always better to close one window, by inadvertence, instead of all of them...
Do you guys see what I am trying to explain?
Thank you!
PS: sorry if this "problem" has already been reported.