Originally posted by Verte
Originally posted by Ashylay
AND I cant be breaking any laws? You cant copyright an idea and Im guessing you cant trademark a script?
AND It doesnt close on page load?????
You can't trademark a script. The only thing you can trademark is a name. You can copyright a script, but what you see is not a script, it's a couple of HTML tags rich in CSS. Now, it doesn't close on page load, it actually closes when a plugin says it's loaded, when the plugin calls the Javascript function dd.elements.loading.hide().
In fact, the habboremix loading thing does not close when the page loads, it closes when the plugin begins working. So, you're going to need to meditate on this problem a little longer
Under UK Copyright Law, any computer programming is automatically copyrighted to the author. This makes copying, modifying, and ofcourse, selling any computer prorgamming created by someone else without their prior permission.
So yes, I think they should contact me before stealing coding. ClubHabbo attempted stealing coding from us, and they learnt the hard way by having their homes shut down on every host they've tried hosting their script with all of my Javacript coding on. Why people don't just learn Javascript and take the time to do their own work instead of stealing others credit and taking coding claiming they made it is beyond me.
James Parmee Morris
HabboRemix.net Owner