I dunno where I can arrange to test the HDD, I don't think anyone I know at Uni has a Desktop PC, also doubt the University IT dept would want to bother/help.
My only other idea is to try and find a small computer store somewhere and hope they don't fuck me over
BTW I am aware of the Nforce4 SATA issues, I think that I fixed that from a patch from maxtor and BIOS updates pretty much when I first got the computer.
Any other ideas?
Edit 1: Been to an IT store near me, their machines could successfully see my HDD I bought some new cables for £2 tried in my machine, still nothing, of course this doesn't rule out a HDD problem but does lessen it.
SO i'm thinking new motherboard needed, or fix this one (but tbh quicker and easier, maybe even cheaper to buy a new one.)
any other ideas or shall I crack out the wallet again?
EDIT 2: Hmm prices on ebay for a bundle AMD 6000, Mobo and 2GB RAM aren't bad, wonder what they're like in shops?