Originally posted by davidpolitis
It's not possible... unless you get them to add some kind of bot that responds to a command and get the command sent to the bot.
not possible ?
But on the script 'Screenshot Sender' when you click in
the scriptmenu on 'Share script', en message is also automaticly
be send to the contactperson isn't it ?
Hey, you should check out this awesome script called Screenshot Sender 4 (http://ScreenshotSender.com) for Messenger Plus! Live (http://MsgPlusLive.net).
The same with 'Ultimate script'. When you click on 'Share script, this message wil be send.
I'm using The UltimateScript, and my wlm have a lot of new features, if you want to try just go here : http://www.toutmessenger.info/ultimatescript/en/ultimatescript/
That's just the same I want to do, but my link isn't in the scriptmenu like screenshot sender,
but in a window (WndStart.xml)