O.P. Messenger Skins on Public Computers
I help out in a Computer Room that have a few un-networked computers with Messenger on and I like to make little things, like custom logon screens, wallpapers etc.. with information and various bits on it for two reasons.
1; I like to try new things and this gives learning a point, wouldn't have figured out about the code behind the logon screens otherwise.
2; The people who use them are idiots and need BIG BOLD LETTERS to understand certain rules.
But anyway back to the point of this post. After getting round to installing the new Plus! and seeing the custom skins option, my heart went through the room, finally something new to do in my own time. Problem, need a reason to work on it. The computers are going to be formatted tommorow with all new copy of windows and office as they are bogged down with rubbish files and programs that people installed etc...
As the new Messenger will be installed I was thinking about adding Plus! and making a skin to fit in with the Logon screen and wallpaper. But there is a problem.
I need to know the following if you are able to set Plus! to have just one version of settings for anyone who logs in so I can set the skin and password the settings so no one can play about with them. If so how?
Also is there away of possible hiding the buttons on the main window so the skin can't be changed?
Sorry if there is an obvious answer, I have looked around but have been known to not see the bleeding obvious.