You can achieve most of the things via registry however there will be some limitations. Let me explain the steps you must apply.
- Signin Messenger with your Windows Live ID.
- Go into the Messenger Plus! Live Preferences and set whatever you want to set for your users by default. (For example, remove the Plus! icons from contact list and conversation windows and disable chat logging and choose the skin you want.
- Set a Preferences Password.
- Signout and exit Messenger.
- Go to registry.
- Browse for HKCU>Software>Patchou>Messenger Plus! Live.
- Here find DefaultSettings root and delete it.
- Now find your Windows Live ID which you have just signed in and out.
- Rename it as DefaultSettings.
- Delete Contacts root under DefaultSettings because people's contact list will be different than yours.
- After deleting it, you may consider creating the same root again, because there was a Contacts root before. Deleting and Readding is the easiest way to empty that root's content.
- Now you can consider scanning the keys' names under Preferences, you may get the function of some of them. For example ContactWatchTime key is for user specific purposes. For example if you don't delete ContactWatchTime from DefaultSettings root, then it will be copied to all users' Preferences root in registry and will cause Messenger Plus! Live to keep wrong statistics about contacts of Messenger users who connnect with your computers, ie, it may show wrong info about, for example, Last Online time of the users' contacts).
- These two steps are not required. But you can still consider setting that option
- Expand GlobalSettings.
- Set a DWORD key and name it "DisplayWizardFirstStart (It will be set 0 by default). This will prevent the Configuration Wizard from popping-up when a new user signs in. (However, if you complete the previous steps correctly, then new users won't see the pop-up Configuration Wizard anyway even if you don't complete this twelveth step)
[edit] You said you had many computers and I think applying these steps on each of them is very difficult. Therefore, Export that DefaultSettings root to a portable device (like a flash memory) after you complete up to twelveth step on only one computer, then import that to each other computer.[/edit]
With this system, whoever signs in Messenger on that computer can hardly notice the existence of Messenger Plus! Live. Even if they notice it, they cannot access the Preferences panel because it will ask for the password you set previously. However the limitations of this system are:
- They can access to the Configuration Wizard via Contact List's Plus! menu and it will not ask for a password so users can change some of the options there like enabling chat logging (This has been requested from Patchou that opening configuration wizard must also ask for the password because in version 3 of Messenger Plus! it was so and it is more logical imho.)
- They can access Sound Library, Contact List Clean-Up and Contacts on Dekstop windows and can change settings about them.
- They can do some sort of things with the Plus! menu of conversation windows like enabling/disabing chat logging or enabling/disabling auto-accepting requests. Also they can use commands if you didn't disable it while you are configuring your account.
Hope this helps you with your problem. Let me know if there is any problem applying these steps.