Originally posted by ShawnZ
Originally posted by Discrate
correct me if i am wrong, but nvidia geforce 5200 would not work with vista. It does not support directx10.
well, you could have said "vista will run but without aero, because aero requires directx 10."
but then you'd still be wrong, because aero requires directx 9. which the 5200 supports.
True. (Although is this not only because DX9 can be software emulated? I thought the nV 6xxx series were the first to be fully DX9 compliant?)
If this is a PCI card then you may be out of luck - I could not get Vista to run on a GeForce 4 MX PCI card - although it is slightly older. It's basically because as far as I could tell at the time, the Vista driver was just a fixed up version of the XP one and is not being updated any more.