I actually doubt that this is a fault in Messenger or in Messenger Plus! itself. There isn't such an entry anywhere in either program nor its libraries.... So I doubt that reinstalling those will help.
PS: Messenger will use kernel32.dll by default, just like almost every program will.
The thing you need to find out is what causes Messenger to call a misspelled function. And since I can't find any reference of "rmmove..." in most of Messenger's versions or its libraries I suspect some injected code or code which is exacuted from within the Messenger process (eg: scripts)
Granted, I didn't checked everything and every version though.
Originally posted by Justin
I doubt this will help but it's worth a read.
This isn't an error from kernel32.dll. That link is interesting but doesn't have anything todo with the presented error here; his kernel32.dll is fine. The error comes from Messenger and clearly states that some process in Messenger attempted to call a function which doesn't exists.
Originally posted by roflmao456
notice how my task manager has nothing in the user name column.
That can be quite normal and happens when the Terminal Service isn't started. By default this services' startup type is set to Automatic and is started.
To set it like it was by default:
1) Start > Run > Services.msc
2) Locate 'Terminal Services' and double click it to go to its properties
3) Set the Startup type to 'Automatic', and click 'Apply'
4) Now click the 'Start' button on that dialog to start the service
Note: you can also set it to 'Manual' if you wish. In that case it's only started when it's needed.