Originally posted by blessedguy
2.All messages
Originally posted by blessedguy
it is cofingured to check mail after 0 min... so maybe WLme and WLma tell me when new mail has arrived at the same time
Well, I'm now thinking that WLMail alerts WLMe, then both say I've got new mail at the same time.
Thank you, I think you'll experience the same problem if you change your synchronization setting to "Only Headers". Because at your current case if the Messenger and Mail are signed in when a new e-mail arrives at Hotmail's Inbox, then Messenger triggers wlmail's mail check, even if there is some time to its regular check, and wlmail downloads that message and after it completely downloads it, displays a Messenger toast but using its own texts about that new e-mail. So for example if the message is too big like 10 MB, then you will get the toast after wlmail completely downloads the message, for example 1 minute later the mail count displayed in your Messenger contact list window's E-mail button increases one more which changes instantly when that email firstly drops to your Inbox.
I will wait for a solution from all of you who read this thread but I'll forward this issue to wlmail team as well.