Today I had a browse through the Scripting Docs and found some elements whose meaning is somewhat unclear to me. Maybe (probably) anybody knows what they do or how they react.
- ButtonControl/Attributes/DwmAnimations
The only explanation is "Specifies if transition animations are allowed for this control in Windows Vista and above."
- ComboBoxControl/Attributes/OwnerDraw
Allowed options are None, Fixed or Variable.
- Control/Position/Origins
Description is "Allows to specify a size that's relative to the opposite border of the window."
- Window/@TranslationSection
How to use this property in scripts?
- AllowRTL for ComboBoxControls
For RichEditControls, there is the XML node RichEditControl/Attributes/AllowRTL to display a control in LTR mode even in an RTL window. How can this be done for ComboBoxControls?