Originally posted by Link_of_Hyrule
This may all be true but seriously who is going to spend the time to hack someone thru msg plus when they can do it many many other ways and the fact of the matter is unless your making people mad that have these skills its unlikely anything is going to happen to you. I've been using msg plus ever since it was released and have absolutely no problems I would consider my self an advanced computer user and with the except of the occasional virus or trojan I have had no problems with supposive "exploits" in software that people make such a big deal about.
Again, you're misinterpreting the reason for this thread.
This thread is NOT here to address specific security concerns in the application! I think that the FAQ should be changed to more accurately represent the possibility of software and service exploitation, mainly in order to keep the developers asses covered, but also to inform and educate users about this possibility.
I would also like to point out that some of the most devastating worms in the history of computing (Blaster, Code Red, ILOVEYOU, SQL Slammer, etc) relied on exploiting other software in order to spread across networks. I've been working with computers since I was 6 (that's not a typo) and I've had plenty of viruses to deal with, very few of which were as a result of something I've downloaded. If you get a virus without running the virus executable yourself, you got exploited.
Originally posted by ShawnZ
Originally posted by Link_of_Hyrule
when they can do it many many other ways
maybe they can't do it any other way?
Again we're off-topic, but nonetheless you are correct. Who cares if they can do it another way? They CAN do it this way and if they wanted to they COULD. If every software company and computer security organisation went around saying "this vulnerability doesn't matter, they'll just find another way in anyway" the computing world would be completely insecure.