There are special cases like words starting with "q", IIRC.
Your code did help in understanding how pig latin works (provided you understand Python code ofcourse), but it doesn't help in actually coding it in VBScript.
The pyhton code isn't much help in the sense that python code is different than vbscript, especially when it comes down to manipulating strings (eg: individual letters of words). Python is closer to J(ava)Script. Manipulating strings in VBScript is done in a completely different way than in Python. The method you showed simply doesn't exist in VBScript.
(eg: You could also have shown an ASM routine doing pig lating. It would have been similar as it shows how pig latin works, but doesn't show you how in VBScript.)
Anyways, I wouldn't personaly use regular expressions for doing Pig Latin as the regular expression engine in VBScript is a bit wobbly when it comes down to accented letters and stuff (which you should take into account IMHO. Or at least convert them to non-accented letters first for true pig latin). If all you're using are letters A-Za-z0-9 then it should be fine though.