Originally posted by Jesus
This is because there is a limit to how often you can change your display name in a certain amount of time.
What probably happened here is that too many people signed out shortly after each other. For every contact that signs out, the script changes your name twice: once to the message set in the script and once back to what it was. The limit was probably reached between those changes. There's no real solution for this. The only workaround I can think of is a timer in the script to check from time to time whether or not the name was changed back, but you'll have to ask the author of the script to implement that.
Thank you for the explanation.
I hope the developer of this script finds solution to this problem soon.
Originally posted by Jesus
by the way, I strongly discourage the use of scripts like this. If someone else on your contact list uses it too, you'll have blocked each other before you know it and never see each other as online again (until you manually unblock ofcourse)
That's quite an important point. I will be aware of that.