Originally posted by 7d5
But why have the choices static? isn't it possible to dynamically generate values in the listbox depending on the input in the textbox?
That's already implemented. Instead of passing an array as fourth argument to the constructor, you can pass a function in the following format:
function AutoCompleteCallback(oAutoComplete, sInputText) {
//oAutoComplete = the instance of the AutoComplete class
//sInputText = the current text input
The function should then return an array of strings to display in the list. If you want to hide the list, simply return an empty array. So yes, you could implement all those fancy AJAX stuff and such.
Originally posted by 7d5
One more thing....can't i have this listbox appear on normal Wnd and not a PlusWnd? something like this
I'm afraid you can't. The Plus! Live scripting API gives us abilities to work with custom Plus! windows, but modifying a chat window isn't possible. It'd require advanced hooking methods such as the ones Plus! Live uses, but I think enabling this for use by scripts would be very complicated and thus it's not available to use by scripts.
I can assure you: if it would have been available to scripts, you'd already have seen a script using it somewhere before!