Originally posted by SmokingCookie
Hmm.. Perhaps you can post some beta version of your script, or an example of your code?
and remove it after 30 minutes
Lol. Well, here's the code. I severely doubt the script will be used by many, and none of this it major enough to steal since it could all be figured out really easily.
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
if ((MessengerStart == false) && (Messenger.MyStatus > 1))
{ LoadSettings(); }
function LoadSettings()
X360Gamer = Shell.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + "\\" + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\X360Gamer");
X360GamerTag = Shell.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + "\\" + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\X360GamerTag");
X360PSM = Shell.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + "\\" + Messenger.MyUserId + "\\X360PSM");
function ShowSettings()
X360Settings = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("Interface.xml", "Settings");
X360Settings.SetControlText("EdtGamerAccount", X360Gamer);
X360Settings.SetControlText("EdtGamerTag", X360GamerTag);
if(X360PSM == "Gamenames") { X360Settings.Button_SetCheckState("RadGamenames", true) }
else if(X360PSM == "Gimmicks") { X360Settings.Button_SetCheckState("RadGimmicks", true) }
- I stand corrected. I've just saved again after copying that data (no change detected) and the catch went. Ignored, save again, it got the data. Just wierd.