Originally posted by SmokingCookie
Err.. I've taken a look at your skin's 923 def, but I don't see any conditionally enabled elements with a layoutpos=none..
I've 'converted' my 923 def file to what you're saying, and the Plus! buttons have disappeared. I can see that you've added some resources. I suppose you've re-added the buttons? Anyway, the DP, PSM and nick keep disappearing..
<*PlusSkin Conditions(HideSharingFolders = true) *>
<Element layoutpos=none>
<Button cmdid=40373 id=atom(sharingfoldersbtn) AccRole=57 Class="TransparentButton" Layout=flowlayout(0,2,0,2) Active=MouseandKeyboard|NoSyncFocus Padding=rect(5,4,5,4)>
<element class="ToolbarIcon" ID=Atom(ai204)/>
<element id=atom(sharecount) class="ToolbarButtonItemCount" padding=rect(3,0,0,0)/>
<*PlusSkin Conditions(HideSharingFolders = true) *>
that's an example of what i explained to you, taken from my 923 definition, it will stop the DP, Nick & PSM disappearing. Basically it means that the start and end tags of the blank element only appear when the value for hiding the button is set to true.....so it hides the button within that invisible element, without corrupting your skin.
As for the Plus elements, if you set them to be removed in your skininfo, then you have to re-add them in your 923 definition and make them optional (exactly like i've done), as it's the only way to add the option to your skin to show them or not show them (individually, that is)