Originally posted by warmth
that is more a suggestion for patch in the beta forums that for here I think...
It isn't that hard to do... simple with a script.
Javascript code:
function OnEvent_Initialize(bMessengerStart) { OnEvent_ChatListWndCreated(); }
function OnEvent_SigninReady(sEmail) { OnEvent_ChatListWndCreated(); }
function OnEvent_ChatListWndCreated() {
if (Messenger.ContactListWndHandle === 0) return;
var lpsz = Interop.Allocate(2*Messenger.MyEmail.length+2);
lpsz.WriteString(0, Messenger.MyEmail);
Interop.Call('user32', 'SendMessageW', Messenger.ContactListWndHandle, 0xC /* WM_SETTEXT */, 0, lpsz.DataPtr);