Replacing your everyday primary OS with Windows 7 is not a good move....
Windows 7 is still beta and a lot can happen with it. It is still very far from being finished. Of course some people will say Windows 7 is already better than Vista. Some people say DOS is better than Vista too....
And that old DOS text editor is of course far more "stable" than that fancy rich text editor using speech reconition in whatever fancy OS. Of course it also has a lot less to deal with and thus far less chances to screw up, but apparenty that is besides the point for those who claim Windows 7 is already "better"..... if you catch my drift...
Not everything is already working in Vista 7, far far far from it.
Seeing that you're in your finals you need an OS which is reliable and isn't going to "crash" or do unexpected things at the worst moments (eg: you were just about to save that big essay). So, I would very strongly suggest to switch back to Vista ASAP (or whatever OS) and only install Windows 7 if you intend to test it for what it is, a beta, and install it on a seperate partition like vaccination suggested.