Originally posted by ToriAngel
With Messenger Plus, there's the option of "Contact Clean-Up". Shows you who has you on their list, etc.
Recently I noticed that two of my contacts who are gmail and eds.com appear as not having me on their list, yet they appear as online.
If a contact has deleted you, they can still appear to you as online when they come on unless they had blocked you.
Originally posted by ToriAngel
One has appeared as "No" for a while [eds.com], the other changed yesterday [gmail.com].
A friend told me since the patch, she knows it MSN can get this wrong.
As you have said it changed, so it used to show you that they had you but now they no longer do. If it's because they are not hotmail adresses, I dont think it would have showed them 'Yes' for a while and then changed. The Contact List Cleanup is so accurate I believe and for me it shows who has me and who doesnt even if it is not a hotmail address but if you still have a doubt, why dont you just ask them if they have deleted you?