Originally posted by Karen606
If I'm not able to draw out my scene and have it to look like what I want it to look like, I really don't fancy this scene idea.
As said, scenes are shared to your contacts and since you can not control the size of the conversation windows of your contacts, they are not meant to have pixel perfect objects. So if you don't fancy them and don't want your contacts to see your own created scene misformed and stretched then simply don't use a scene (use the default scene instead).
You can also turn the viewing of your contact's scenes off: Go to a conversation window and select the top menu Extra > Use standard scene.
Or right click in the me-area of your contact in a conversation window and choose 'Use standard scene'. This will override the scene which your contact is using and thus what you see in the conversation window. But note that scenes are always shared, you can't turn it completely off. So even if you turn on the option to override your contacts' scenes in such a way that you wont be bothered by crappy looking scenes of your contacts, your contacts will still be able to see your scene (most likely with streched objects).
Originally posted by Karen606
I would much rather be able to create my own backgrounds for myself like we have earlier.
Which is also still possible. Again open a conversation, and go to the menu Extra > Backgrounds. But they are also stretched if the talk-area of the conversation window is wider or taller than the backgound image (just like they were also stretched in previous versions! Nothing has changed regarding that).
And you can still use the lvback.gif background in the contact list window (which is only streched if it is bigger than the current contact list size; again just like it was with all previous versions).
If you want more fancy things or change (background) stuff which isn't supported by default in Windows Live Messenger, then you need to create a
Messenger Plus! skin.