Originally posted by Discrate
P.S Remember, there is two filters, one for everyone (blocks out illegal sites such as child porn) and then theres a filter for families with kids, which is optional.
Both fail.
Like I said before, child porn shouldn't be blocked and act like nothing happened. Put the money in effort which would go to the filter into actually putting the people creating and distributing this in jail.
As for the "optional" filter: Make it opt-in instead of opt-out and have a legal guarantee it can never be forced on people in any way.
Originally posted by Discrate
There are two lists,
1: a 'child' safe list which filters both illegal content and hardcore pornography
2: a second which users can 'opt-out' to which only filters unwanted content.
So "llegal content and hardcore pornography" is mandatory blocked. They even made the distinction between illegal content and hardcore pornography. Meaning even as an adult without children in the house you can say goodbye to your porn, no opt-out about it.
Originally posted by Discrate
* Other political parties and members have made their intentions clear to include further content to be banned, such as overseas online gambling, and as suggested by Family First Senator Steve Fielding - hardcore pornography.
o 'Conservative' Senator, Cory Bernadi has since rescinded his support for the Government's plan, voiced his concerns with mandatory Internet filtering, and has also elaborated no his frustations with the current filtering systems in use in Parliamentary offices. 1
* Email, Peer to Peer, Instant messaging, newsgroups and any other custom application protocols are on the ACMA report as things that the Government is also planning to apply the ISP-Level filtering to.
* Conroy has answered in the Senate at Question Time that the filtering system will block access to "unwanted content". He has avoided answering any questions that Senator Ludlam has directed at him.
Welcome to China.
Originally posted by Discrate
It became known that the ACMA blacklist contains political content when a member of Whirlpool recently submitted a complaint relating to an anti-abortion website which contained pictures of unborn fetuses (however legal) to ACMA. ACMA confirmed that they were satisified that the images were something that would be classified as RC by the classification board and that the website had been added to the blacklist.
Holy shit.
That's much worse than I thought it already was. Fight against any kind of filtering, and if either of the filters makes it through... proxy for life or consider moving to another country.