Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by CookieRevised
If you want to travel from North Europe to South Europe you better take a plane (which again will take you only a few hours), although it costs more.
really? i dont know how much does a train ticket cost, but when i was in europe last year, i traveled by plane all the time. i remember spending 25 euros for a ticket from madrid to london-return. Same with rome, it was about 40 euros from madrid to rome return.
It all depends on where you wanna go of course and what company you book your flight with. And it especially depends on when you book your tickets. The prices for planetickets can go up quite a lot if you only book like a few days before. Compared to a train ticket which has fixed prices and you can buy it the moment you (almost) step on board. And it doesn't matter if you would miss a train, you can always take the next one with the same ticket (except for international trains). Which isn't possible with air travel. If you wanna travel long distances, you better do it by plane. But if you want to travel from country to country it is usually way cheaper (and more practical) by train.