It aint possible .... if so ppl would have left hotmail and joined gmail

U can tell all ur mates that hence foruth ur hotmail addy is a "chat only" addy and ur gmail one is the main one .... try to keep the gmail and the hotmail one the same ... like if ur hotmail one is abc[at] (

) then try to keep ur gmail addy close to it or the same (abc[at]
Then goto the hotmail options and change ur reply to addy

Also in the mail at the end say "if u recieve this mail please send a small confirmation to my gmail address or just hit reply and ur mail shall be redirected there. The mail just confirms that u got my mail."
Then when u get ur friends mails just click on more options in gmail and then click add user to my contacts ... thus u can add ppl to ur contacts as well

.... this is what i did