antidisestablishmentarianism is my fvorite word
# Longest word without a vowel: symphysy. Runners-up: nymphly, rhythms, gypsyfy, gypsyry. Excluding 'y': crwths.
# Longest word with at most 1 vowel: glycyphyllin, psychorhythm.
# Word with most vowels: counterrevolutionaries (among others).
# Word with most consecutive vowels (5): cooeeing, miaoued, miaouing, queueing. (Euouae, consisting of nothing but 6 vowels, is of doubtful legitimacy.)
# Smallest word with all 5 vowels: eulogia, miaoued, sequoia.
# Longest word with only 3 distinct alphabets: seeresses.
# Longest word with only 4 distinct alphabets: senselessness.
# Longest word with no repeated letter: dermatoglyphics.
# Longest word with letters in alphabetical order: aegilops.
# Longest word with letters in reverse alphabetical order: trollied.
# Longest word that can be typed with the right hand alone (on a qwerty keyboard): phyllophyllin.
# Longest word that can be typed with the left hand alone (on a qwerty keyboard): devertebrated.
# Longest word that can be typed using the top row (of a qwerty keyboard): rupturewort. Runners-up: peppertree, pepperwort, perpetuity, proprietor, repertoire, tetterwort, typewriter.
# Interesting words with the substring 'uu': continuum, fatuus, menstruum, residiuum, vacuum.
# Word with the maximum number of distinct alphabets (16): blepharoconjunctivitis, formaldehydesulphoxylic, pneumoventriculography, pseudolamellibranchiate, superacknowledgment.
# Word with most a's
: astragalocalcaneal, calcaneoastragalar, taramasalata.
# Word with most e's (7): electrotelethermometer.
# Word with most i's
: impossibilification, indistinguishability, indivisibility, minimifidianism, pericardiomediastinitis.
# Word with most o's
: choledochoduodenostomy, duodenocholedochotomy, monogonoporous, odontonosology, proctocolonoscopy, pseudomonocotyledonous, zoologicoarchaeologist.
# Word with most u's (5): untumultous.
# Words with four consecutive letters of the alphabet appearing consecutively:
* mnop: cremnophobia, gymnopaedic, gymnoplast, limnophile, somnopathy (and a few others).
* rstu: overstudy, overstuff, understudy, afterstudy, overstudious, superstuff, understuff (and a few others).
# Words with four consecutive letters of the alphabet appearing consecutively in reverse order:
* ponm: tamponment, weaponmaker.
# Words with 3 consecutive s's: bossship, headmistressship, patronessship.
# The last word: zyzzyva