I have really big problems with my family - my mum and dad are at each others throats (wanting a divorce). And my dad is very ill, he cant sleep, he cant walk properly, he cant breath very well. And my dad had a doctor come from London yesterday, and he said some options (which i don't know of) but there was one that my dad was telling me of. And what they do is they put this balloon thing in his stomach and it will make him lose weight (He can't lose wait because he's diabetic and on lots of tablets) He then told me he had to be able to sleep on his back, be able to sleep full stop and in general good health.
He then told me it had a 50/50 chance of successfulness and this has made me quite worried. My dad also had cancer on the tongue but luckily we got rid of it while we could.
When my dad had been diagnosed with tongue cancer my mum came out of the hospital and started laughing.
I've been trying to spend more time with my dad, like yesterday we went out and had loads of fun. We went out in his car and ragged it (it was fun) and we was laughing about the new exhausts he had put on it (they sound like a frigging jump jet) - it's quite embarrassing actually because wherever we go people are looking
On top of all of this I have a website to continue to code and also I come on here to often especially in times like this.
Also I'm at boarding school which makes matters worse because i cant spend much time with my dad.
My mum now hates me because I'm sticking up for my dad.
And i Just want one thing:
tomorrow at 12:00 noon. I would like someone to ban me for <Insert people's suggestions>
If you're still reading (which i doubt you are) Thank you and its been great here.
As you can see I'm going through a hard patch and i don't really want any sympathy I just want to apologize to anyone who i have taken it out on.
(shawnz especially (even though he does get on my nerves sometimes))