Hello guys,
I'm Webbolo!, the author of WLM Safe.
I was just checking my websites' invoices when i found wlmsafe.com, so I dediced to come back here, since I've been away for a long time.
This is the fact: WLM Safe was a project in which i really believed in, but i haven't had enought time to keep it up to date, so I unwillingly stop developing the new 6.0 version, which was already almost complete, in 2010.
@CookieRevised (just to clarify):
You're right, version 5.05 is not compatible with latest version of Plus! and it used some online good services, which unfortunately no longer exist now.
I thought that the idea of mimic a "setup window" was nice and I still do not see nothing wrong with this (keeping in mind that the process really
does something - save parameters in database and activate the script online - and is not just a fake setup).
The number of viruses and threats is made up by the sum of the logs received in 2010,2011,2012 because i've never setup a deletion skeduled task on database, so it keeps adding data to the old online database in each month's table. The only correct parameter is the number of users: 614.853.
However i can ensure that version 5.05 malware detection was the most accurate possible. I developed a php script which analyzes the url received and detect weather it's bad or good with a small risk of false positive (when heuristic functionality is enabled, however, you get more links blocked).
5) Other than that, the idea of it is nice and it might serve some purpose, but the whole exaggerated stuff (both in how it is presented, what it can detect, and in its behaviour) leads to a serious false feeling of protection imho.
I have a database of thousand infected urls which used to be spread on WLM and I can ensure that nearly 600.000 users worldwide used to be automatically protected from these urls, so WLM Safe does not lead to false feeling of protection (always imho).
Regarding the privacy issue you are right, there was no need to keep users' email adresses but i needed a unique id for detecting new installations and for statistical purpose and when developing version 5.05 I was not aware of the possibility of using Windows Live ID. However Warmth (a developer on this forum) pointed up this and I used the ID in version 6.0, which is still in a drawer.
Note: Only the email of the user is stored. Email of contacts are not send.
That's all. I put my best effort and lot of passion in WLM Safe development, but I face the fact that the script is no longer usable and that's why I understand your decision to remove it from the Scripts' database. However I think that security is one of the most important things and would be nice if someone decide to develop something like WLM Safe (maybe starting from the new 6.0 source code).
I just saw that now Plus! is compatibile with Skype (which I now use more than Windows Live Messenger), but i'm not aware of its security issues (that is to say, I'm not sure if a WLM Safe version is still useful).
P.S: Sorry for my bad english.