Name: Anne
Sex: I am a woman type person /looks down and sees boobage, yeap I am a woman!
Loacation: New York
Age: Older than Dirt...really I am
Hobbies: online gaming, pleaseing myself, reading, and chatting
Statement about yourself: I perfer that you get to know me, then there will be no need for me to make a statement about myself. I tend to not be an egomaniac, but I am a pig by nature.
Why you have the username you have: Rye Whiskey is the fave drink of a good friend who I game with. I created the name Ryee Whiskee for that game, and have kept it ever since. Its pronunced Rye Whiskee, not ry-ee whisk-ee.
Email address: me all you want, its my spam account.