Originally posted by CookieRevised
_PersoStat.js line 43 contains "personal mssage"
CRegistry() needs an update. The "Nobody" key isn't used anymore in Plus! Live.
i see.
And it can be made without the use of splitting, popping and joining, but never mind that for now.
i knew, i just wanted to try splitting, popping and joining, as you might've guessed
Originally posted by Mnjul
No script function invocation (OnEvent_EnterPresonalizedStatus, OnEvent_LeavePersonalizedStatus) (Limitation, won't be fixed)
One of the very big major reasons why this should be implemented in Plus! itself imho.
Hence repeat: Patchou: pretty please add this in next version
Nice POC script... And although I don't use the personalised status anymore in Plus!Live as much as I use to do in Plus!3 (because of the lack of other statusses to choose from) I wont use this workaround script either, for the above reason (the script events).
* CookieRevised runs
Hooking contactlist with external DLL... blah j/k Anyways, I think there is a method to hook the contact list without the use of an external DLL. It would be perfect for something like this I think. Need to look into it further though, if it is possible, when I have some time, if you're interested...
How can you provide a pointer to a JScript WndProc function for callback?
I'd really want to hear that.
Anyway, I like the external DLL way because it's easy to implement and there's no performance penalty to use it, is there?
(unless those perfectionists say everything must be done all in jscript >p)
* CookieRevised slaps Mnjul for giving Patchou a reason for not adding this now
EDIT: I think I used "" too much... so... there:
Anyway, I'll finish this script to the best degree I can. If possible, I'll hack into Plus! and have it trigger the script events >p
Just that replicating an existing function isn't much fun as creating new things..
(and you kinna gave me a blow, cookie