Originally posted by CookieRevised
One of those things is what you just experienced: When I visit a thread with new posts and reply to it, then every older thread (even if I didn't read it yet) becomes "read"...
What? O_O
You sure you're not full of crap?
I don't see how that's possible.
btw, you only "notice" these things if you try to read almost every thread and if you reply a lot. When you're not so active it seems that either you don't get the bugs or you simply don't notice them...
Well, that could be because a cookie can only hold so much data. Let's say that there are 60 unread threads since your last visit, all marked as unread. Unless your last visit time is changed, only 40 of those threads can be marked read at a time. So once you view 40, the first threads that you read will be marked as unread again.
Originally posted by Tochjo
it's annoying if you're reading thread, have to go for 20 minutes, come back, refresh and can't see which ones you haven't read yet
That annoys me too... happens all the time.
I just accept it as a MyBB limitation, though.