Originally posted by HaWaIi_CiNq-ZeRo
What would be cool is that we could be able to logon as being away and not logon online and than change your status for away.
Would require Messenger Plus! to either act like a proxy or modify the MSN Messenger executable, both of which Patchou won't do.
Originally posted by HaWaIi_CiNq-ZeRo
Also what would be cool is that we could be able to send messages as being appear offline just like the Invisible status on ICQ.
There is no easy way to implement this, however the latest version of Messenger Plus! has the next best thing..but you have to be online when your contact comes online for the come-back ("offline") message to be sent...
Originally posted by HaWaIi_CiNq-ZeRo
Finally, what would be cool is that we can see who is blocking you in your list.
No, i object. Messenger Pus! will not invade anyones privacy. The block feature is there for a reason, if Microsoft wanted your contacts to know you blocked them, then it would be an official feature. Patchou won't assist in things that invade your contacts' privacy.