Skype? What's the catch? |
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O.P. Skype? What's the catch?
Alright.... so everyone in my school is talking about skype and how it's really cool and free.... but i'm skeptical..... why? well one, it's free..... and two, it's made by the guys that made Kazaa
So i just wanna know, what's the catch in making it free?
*It took Jesus 3 days to respawn! Talk about lag!*
09-18-2004 08:19 PM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
Its bassiclly just an instant message client that only supports audio nothing more. And to call phones you have to buy some Skype Plus! type thing.
09-18-2004 08:25 PM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
quote: Originally posted by Ningc_Maniac
Alright.... so everyone in my school is talking about skype and how it's really cool and free.... but i'm skeptical..... why? well one, it's free..... and two, it's made by the guys that made Kazaa
So i just wanna know, what's the catch in making it free?
I don't think there is a catch, it's just a very handy tool to phone your friends over the internet..
By the way: A lot of great tools are free
09-18-2004 09:21 PM |
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O.P. RE: RE: Skype? What's the catch?
*It took Jesus 3 days to respawn! Talk about lag!*
09-19-2004 01:52 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
I use the free verison of skype, and it's really good quality, but i can only make pc to pc calls. my bro got the extra thing, so he can call normal phones as well, it's really good though cos calling from norway to singapore on a normal line is quite expensive, but using skype it only costs him something like $0.02/min.
it's better now that it's been upgraded, before it had tons of bugs.
Got nothing else to say
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09-19-2004 04:20 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
Can someone give a link to where to download this at.
09-19-2004 04:40 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
quote: Originally posted by pr0xy
Can someone give a link to where to download this at.
Programs nice, I used it for the first time last night with ES, marissa and Underlord.
09-19-2004 04:42 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
How about creating a plugin for MSN Messenger to launch a Skype call with the person(s) you are currently messaging?
This would launch Skype if it is not already running and initate a call to the user from inside Messeneger (in the same way that Netmeeting can be launched) - it could even be launched from the 'Activities' tab as seen in MSN Messenger 7 beta. Requests sent to users without Skype installed could be shown a short product description with a download link.
This would be huge !! Skype associates itself with the callto: link on setup. I am not a coder, but from the things everyone has done with Plus which are just amazing, this could be a really heavily downloaded add-in..
I love Skype, it is great and has come a long way, File Transfer now, and apparently adding video etc.. The text part is still way behind MSN but getting better.
Is it Possible ???
This post was edited on 10-09-2004 at 03:02 AM by Droop.
10-09-2004 02:58 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
I also use skype I like it a lot to talk with friends and when you need to give a link or somethin I just gieve it on msn...
The reason I installed it it's because my audio conversations in msn NEVER had worked and still DON'T work so yeah
10-09-2004 05:16 AM |
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RE: Skype? What's the catch?
As mentioned this would be nice as a plugin to launch it or sumat.
I'm not exactly sure what you could do with it if the plugin were to be made but oh well ....
I was just reading the skype forums and found a link to this thread so thought hmmm i wonder what he has to say
11-20-2004 12:37 PM |
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