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Help with puting passwords on things....
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O.P. Huh?  Help with puting passwords on things....
Hey there is three things i would like to do:
A) put a password on a partition of the hard drive
B) put a password on files and folders
B) Make files invisible
if someone could help me that would be great
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
12-07-2004 12:16 AM
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RE: Help with puting passwords on things....
Originally posted by Skin Ticket
A) put a password on a partition of the hard drive
a bit :mipdodgy: question....
pattitions can't have a password, however you can set the needed permissions to hide them (or better said: to make them unaccessible to other users). Read the following answer. It's done in the same way.
Originally posted by Skin Ticket
put a password on files and folders
you can't. however you can set permissions on files & folders so others aren't allowed to read them. First of all, i'll supposse you have windows xp professional and that you're using ntfs partitions. In other versions of windows or with fat32 that may be done in other way or can't be done at all.

In a folder, go to tools > options > and the 2nd tab. There there is an option called "Use the simple mode of sharing files (recomemded)" or similar. You have to un-select that option. From then, you can right-click a folder/file, select properties, and go to the security tab. There you can specify the permissions you want for each person.

It's highly un-recommended to change the permissions of the root folder (ie: a whole partition).
Originally posted by Skin Ticket
Make files invisible
that makes no sense. You can set the hidden attribute of them, but unsetting it is as easy as setting it, so that is quite useless.

your post is quite weird :-/ if my reply doesn't answer your questions, could you explain what you want to do a bit more, please?
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12-07-2004 02:52 PM
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O.P. RE: Help with puting passwords on things....
I remember there was a hack or something to make things invisible and then u get to it by opening up cmd.exe and type in the path or something...i unno... thanx for the reply tho
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
12-07-2004 10:58 PM
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RE: RE: Help with puting passwords on things....
This should help out for the parition hard drive , that you might want to make "invisible"

G4 Tech Tv

Sarah's Windows Tweak: Hide Those Hard Drives
written by Sarah Lane on Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Ever wish you could make one of your computer's drives invisible to anyone snooping around on your system? Well, happy days are here my friend! Whether you have sensitive docs, pictures, or any other private data, this is one of the easiest ways to keep them safe. Keep in mind that you'll still be able to access your hidden drives; you just won't see that they exist in Windows Explorer or the My Computer folder. Back up your registry before you start!

1. Open Regedit.

2. Navigate to one of these strings:

CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer - this only changes the settings for the current logged in user

CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer - this changes the settings for all users on the machine. You may have to create the key folder "Explorer" manually.

3. In the Explorer key folder, create a new DWORD value by right-clicking Explorer, then choosing New DWORD value. Name the value "NoDrives" (without the quotes). This value defines local and network drive visibility for each logical drive on the computer. All drives will be visible as long as this value's data is set to 0.

4. Following the table below, enter the decimal number corresponding to the drive(s) you want to hide as NoDrives value data. When you right-click on NoDrives and choose Modify, make sure you select Decimal base, not Hexadecimal.

Drive Number to hide
A: 1
B: 2
C: 4
D: 8
E: 16
F: 32
G: 64
H: 128
I: 256
J: 512
K: 1024
L: 2048
M: 4096
N: 8192
O: 16384
P: 32768
Q: 65536
R: 131072
S: 262144
T: 524288
U: 1048576
V: 2097152
W: 4194304
X: 8388608
Y: 16777216
Z: 33554432
All drives 67108863

If you want to hide more than one drive, you simply add the drive amounts together for a combined total.

For example, to hide the D:/ and T:/ drives, add the decimal value for the D:/ drive to the decimal value to the T:/ drive.

8 ( D ) + 524288 ( T ) = 524296

To disable all of your visible drives, set the value to 67108863.

You must reboot your PC to see your changes. Have fun!

This post was edited on 12-08-2004 at 12:53 AM by Striker.
12-08-2004 12:53 AM
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