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NickEXP!2 -- Released.
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O.P. NickEXP!2 -- Released.
Hey ya'll!

I hope most of you saw the earlier version of NickEXP!... so you can see the vast difference between that, and the new version, NickEXP!2...

This program allows you to:
- Have Multi-coloured Text in your nickname
- Have Multi-coloured Background in your nickname
- Apply Bold/Underline/Italic to your nickname
- Have a gradient in your nickname
- Complete editing of the 'says' Text
- An Illegal Nickname Changer
- Nickname styler, with 10 set styles

You MUST have Msgplus!2 for this program to work!

Heres the download link to NickEXP!2:


If you have found any bugs, errors, typos, or have some suggestions for future version... or just wanna leave a comment on the program, then please do so :)!

Hope ya'll like it!

[BetterMSN sed NickEXP!1 was the worst of all the MsgPlus! addons... he can go suck my toe!]

This post was edited on 02-01-2003 at 09:54 AM by ~Taz.
01-31-2003 06:45 PM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
I didn't say that NickExp was rubbish, I just said it was worse than BetterName in every way, which I think was an objective opinion.

If this has encouraged you to make a better nick changer then good.
If this has offended you then sorry.

I'll download nickexp 2 now and see how it compares. I don't want to my addons to be better than everyone elses, I release them all open source so people can take the best bits from mine and use them in their addons.
01-31-2003 07:08 PM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
These are not slagging it off, but suggestions for how to improve it...

The illegal nick name changer is OK, but not great, the one I am developing does it automatically, by using a list of banned words and not relying on the user identifying them.

Why can't you do a gradient for the background, that would be cool.

Nick Styler rocks, really nice (Ginge thinks about stealing ideas...)

I still don't like the interface, what's wrong with standard Windows style?

It would be easier if illegal nick and nick styles were integrated into the main window.

You still don't have that many gradient options, and you have to apply them with the apply button, its much easier if they auto apply.

I still hate the apply to selected text/apply to all, but to be fair I can't think of a better way to do it (alternative ways yes, but not better)

Why can't bold/italic/unline be check boxes or something, rather than two separate buttons for on and off.

The main problem is that if you want to set your nick to a gradient colour, you can't make it more than about 10 characters or you overflow the limit of a nick. If you take a look at BetterName you can see that it dynamically and cleverly drops formatting, in such a way as to minimise how noticeable it is to the user, allowing much longer nicknames with gradients. Why not add this?

And any chance of changing the BetterMSN name to a hyperlink in your About dialog box ;)
01-31-2003 09:51 PM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
I tryed Ur program and its a lot better than the first one...

Ginge never said that Ur prog was the worst and so on...
[Image: wdz_discrate.png]
02-01-2003 04:34 AM
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O.P. RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
hmm... fair post, but one bit which really annoyed me:

"The main problem is that if you want to set your nick to a gradient colour, you can't make it more than about 10 characters or you overflow the limit of a nick. If you take a look at BetterName you can see that it dynamically and cleverly drops formatting, in such a way as to minimise how noticeable it is to the user, allowing much longer nicknames with gradients. Why not add this?"

This is very very untrue! NickEXP!2 is tested + officially does more gradient letters than BetterMSN!, Some screenies to prove...

[Image: taz.jpg]

Using, Bold Text on both, with a black BG:

NickEXP!2, Holds TazTazTazTazTa - 14 Characters!

BetterMSN, Holds, TazTazTazTa - 11 Characters!

So dont make stuff up ;)

+ by the sounds of things we can be expecting a REPLICA . 5-0 in the new BetterMSN

...ah welll


This post was edited on 02-01-2003 at 10:19 AM by ~Taz.
02-01-2003 10:12 AM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
I'm not making stuff up, take a look at this screen shot. While yours if you go over too many characters it looks crap, mine dynamically preserves the formatting, allowing you to go much higher. Hopefully this should explain what I mean... You've interpreted my warning message as an error, and not actually tried pasting into the nick.

[Image: nickexp.png]

BetterMSN was always going to incorporated BetterName in it, ever since Chrono first used a coloured nick which was really early in the testing program. Everyone borrows ideas off everyone, I'm going to borrow and enhance nick styles, but that came from DToX's originally.

This post was edited on 02-01-2003 at 11:21 AM by ginge.
02-01-2003 11:15 AM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
i dont see wuts the point of this stuff, cuz unless people can see it without d/ling the program, then wut is the point? half the people just want to chat and dont care about add-ons, so other people would see you name as some f*cked up letters, if you guyz can make one that you dont have to d/l the program to see it, then that would be great, because im lik the only person on my list that uses add-ons
02-01-2003 02:14 PM
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O.P. RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
well then dont bother using our programs!

but all of my list use them so its great!
02-01-2003 02:28 PM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
I see both points... both very good. I don't like using the text formatting on the friendly names because i hate long nicks.. and the text you have to add looks horrible.

However i love using it in the conversation, and for the record I use all 3 add-ons... and they all rock.

This post was edited on 02-01-2003 at 02:36 PM by Johnny_Mac.
02-01-2003 02:35 PM
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RE: NickEXP!2 -- Released.
i dont use your programs ;) so it wont be hard to stop using them lol

but i bet many more people would use them if you dont have to d/l the program to see the color
02-01-2003 08:14 PM
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