Forum Rules
- When there is a violation of the
forum rules (Illegal content, warez, etc...)
Double Posting
- When there are double/triple/whatever posts in the same thread, you only need to report one of them. The mods are smart enough to find the rest.
- If the time between the posts is more than 3 days (72 hours), it's no big deal. Of course it's
technically a double post, but I don't think it should be considered spam in that case. Usually there's a perfectly good reason for the new post... when a thread isn't replied to for a while, it sinks to the bottom of thread listings and nobody notices it anymore. A "bump" can be a good thing, as long as it's not done too soon after the previous post.
- Another acceptable reason for double posting: only one attachment allowed per post. If you want to attach 2 or more images/files, it's impossible without double posting.
Referring to other threads/posts
- If you need to refer to another thread or post in your report, just type "tid x" or "tid=x" or "pid x" or "pid=x" (where x is a thread or post ID number) in the reason, and it will be made a link for the mods. Full showthread.php URLs will work also.
- Cases where this might be useful: duplicate threads, duplicate replies in different threads, threads that should be merged).
Reporting all the posts at the end of a thread
- If you think that many concecutive posts should be removed, please report the
first one and say something like "it's spam from this post to the bottom."
- If a user asks a question in a thread and gets replies, the user should be allowed to acknowledge the replies, whether with a spammy post or not. For example, "
" or "k thanks" or "I see." So, before reporting a post like that, check to see if the poster has been involved in the thread before.
- Posting in old threads is not specifically against the rules! As long as the post isn't spam/useless, and the thread is about something that's still relevant, it's no big deal. People are always complaining that new threads are started when there are existing threads with the same subject, so don't complain when someone replies to one of those existing threads.
Todo: Link to this thread on the report form.