Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox |
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O.P. Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
I've been trying to get MSN Messenger to open my hotmail through Firefox for a few months now. Actually I gave up a couple of months ago and thought I'd re-try it now that MSNM 7 is out. Anyway, after searching this site I've seen a number of people say:
MS messenger will open IE no matter what you do. It's hard-coded to open IE and only IE.
And others say get Messenger Plus and StuffPlug and it will work. After numerous tries and hours of searching here, the Plus forum and the StuffPlug forum I can still only get Messenger to do two things: either open in IE or, if I check the box to open in my default browser (which is, obviously Firefox) it does nothing.
Any clues as to what I could try next?
Thanks if you have any ideas!
04-20-2005 07:14 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
Have you downloaded the latest messenger plus! and stuffplug, as it seems to be working fine from where I am...  ...
I can't see the problem, try reinstalling stuffplug...
The only problem I get is trying to open MySpace, it just opens in firefox and goes to my .net passport menu.
04-20-2005 07:16 AM |
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O.P. RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
Yes, I've downloaded MSN 7 and Messenger Plus last night and the latest Stuffplug tonight...after they failed to work correctly, I uninstalled all three and reinstalled but still nothing. When I click to open my email, the hard drive flashes for a second like it's about to open but then nothing happens.
I wonder if there is a Firefox setting that might be stopping it? I recently updated it to the most recent version and haven't made any changes to it since then.
04-20-2005 07:26 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
Have you made sure Firefox is set to the default browser?
Start Menu --> Set Program Access and Defaults --> Custom --> "Choose a custom web browser" --> firefox?
(thats for windows Xp  )
04-20-2005 07:36 AM |
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O.P. RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
I forgot to mention...I'm a Windows 98 user
I saw that mentioned about XP and I assume there is no such setting for 98. Firefox is set as my default browser in Firefox and IE is unchecked as the default. I also checked file types under folder options and URL:Mailto protocol is Thunderbird (which I use only for my pop 3 email accounts). I don't get my hotmail through Thunderbird.
04-20-2005 07:45 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
Checking the file associations (file types) are webpages set to open in firefox? hehe its been so long since windows 98 i can't remember if it has a "default program access" window 
04-20-2005 07:47 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
This is just a guess and is worth a try.
First can you go to using FireFox.
Tick on Sign me in automatically
Can you login succesfully?
If so then try clicking the button for hotmail from Msn Messenger and see if it works now.
It might work because Firefox has stored in its cookies ur .net passport.
But seeing as I dont use Hotmail then its worth a try  .
04-20-2005 07:51 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
quote: Originally posted by Nova
This is just a guess and is worth a try.
First can you go to using FireFox.
Tick on Sign me in automatically
Can you login succesfully?
If so then try clicking the button for hotmail from Msn Messenger and see if it works now.
It might work because Firefox has stored in its cookies ur .net passport.
But seeing as I dont use Hotmail then its worth a try .
Nice idea  , but it won't work because its windows/MSN Messenger that causes it to always go into internet explorer. Its a bit before cookies etc.
MSN Messenger itself always goes into IE, it doesn't matter if you have firefox set as the default. However SPNG allows this to work.
Also make sure you have the option turned on in SPNG (/xspoptions).
04-20-2005 07:54 AM |
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O.P. RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
There were a few that were set to open in IE and the rest were Firefox and Thunderbird. The files listed to open in IE were Internet Shortcut, URL:File Protocol, URL:RLogin Protocol, URL:Telnet Protocol and URL:TN3270 Protocol.
04-20-2005 07:58 AM |
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RE: Can't get Messenger Plus & StuffPlug to open Firefox
Well firstly as i said above, check to make sure that SPNG is configured properly - make sure you have the "open links in your default browser" enabled. Do this by going into
Plus! --> preferences --> Plugins --> Stuffplug --> and enabling the option if its not already enabled. (another way to do this is type in /xspoptions in a conversation window).
If it is already enabled then write down the file associations IE has and the settings with them as a precaution (its always good to do this just incase  ). Then change the associations with IE over to firefox!
04-20-2005 08:01 AM |
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