With MSNM 7 you dont'need the handwriting plugin, only ink.
To fix it:
- Delete handwriting.dll from plugins folder (C:\Program Files\MessengerPlus! 3\Plugins)
Handwriting still not working in MSNM 7?
- Install ink available
here, on installing choose "for all" or it won't work.
Also note handwriting won't work on all OS'es, see
Ink/Handwriting Plugin Everything you need to know right here.
If even that doesn't work (it should):
- Uninstall MSNM and Plus! (including preferences and plugins)
- Reboot
- Remove all folders pointing towards MSN Messenger and Plus! in Program files folder
- Reinstall MSNM and Plus!
(what you done here is make a totally fresh install)
After that to make the handwriting thats built into MSNM 7 work, do as i said above (install inkredist)
Good luck! If any probs after that, post here again