Originally posted by nimicitor
he will have to make sure he gives the kids something stronger next time so it knocks them out and they cant take him to court.
That is sick. Just plain sick. The fact that you say it, makes me think that you want him to molest children.
The jury have made a decision, and that decision is not guilty. They have made that decision using all of the evidence given in court. Unless you were in that court, and saw the same evidence, you do not know what was shown. The jury were carefully vetted, to ensure that there were no interfeering outside factors. The judge will have asked the jury to make a unanimous decision, based on all evidence that is valid for use within the court.
If you are not going to belive the verdict of the jury, who are you going to believe? If you won't accept the jury have made the right decision, then who is to say they do in any case? After all, the jury are just people like you and me, and probably had their own views on the matter prior to the court case.
In my personal opinion, I don't get how the hell it even got to court. The fact that the childs mother has accused other celebrities, and other people of molesting her child, hitting her, and other crimes, does nothing but prove that the accuser is trying to get money, via an out-of-court settlement.[/rant]
Im gonna say nothing more than that. Jury made its decision. I always have faith and trust, that correct, full and fair justice will be served.