Ask yourself: Why do I like having a nice and artistic signature?
Is having a sig really necessary? No
Is having that IP Address taking space necessary? No
Do people like bloating their sigs with information about themselves or homebrew creativity? Yes
I'm just claiming some existing space for signatres. It's not a question about vital need. however I find more prioritary the signature space than the IP Address notice, tbh.
Originally posted by gif83
the limit is there for a reason and i think the people who placed it there did think about what they wanted for the forum.
Yes, but what are the reasons? Think about it: space. I'm presenting a solution to have the signature higher while using the same space (which actually beats the usual opposition to simply expanding the limit).
My suggestion would even make the threads slightly shorter, because, on smaller sigs, the IP Address notice space wouldn't be used anymore. Slight but positive.