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A humble request for signatures
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RE: A humble request for signatures
Well, the first discussion would be if it is really necessary, isnīt it?
[Image: 2.jpg]
09-07-2005 12:40 AM
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RE: A humble request for signatures
sure... ok you make it so that you can utilise space and stuff more efficiently... but why increase the limit on the sig?

the limit is there for a reason and i think the people who placed it there did think about what they wanted for the forum.

edit: i'm sorry for basically posting the same info again... but i only do it because no one seems to have given a reasonable reply

This post was edited on 09-07-2005 at 12:50 AM by gif83.
09-07-2005 12:49 AM
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O.P. RE: A humble request for signatures
Ask yourself: Why do I like having a nice and artistic signature?

Is having a sig really necessary? No
Is having that IP Address taking space necessary? No
Do people like bloating their sigs with information about themselves or homebrew creativity? Yes

I'm just claiming some existing space for signatres. It's not a question about vital need. however I find more prioritary the signature space than the IP Address notice, tbh.

Originally posted by gif83
the limit is there for a reason and i think the people who placed it there did think about what they wanted for the forum.
Yes, but what are the reasons? Think about it: space. I'm presenting a solution to have the signature higher while using the same space (which actually beats the usual opposition to simply expanding the limit).

My suggestion would even make the threads slightly shorter, because, on smaller sigs, the IP Address notice space wouldn't be used anymore. Slight but positive. :)

This post was edited on 09-07-2005 at 12:55 AM by KeyStorm.
09-07-2005 12:50 AM
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RE: A humble request for signatures
sorry for putting this point in for the third time... but the space is not the only problem... your solution claims space for a larger signature... but the limit is there to ensure the signature is not too large... because of reasons including but not soley because of the space it takes up.

edit: after your edit i feel compelled to give some examples of some of the reasons... 

a large signature can be distracting (point already made)

signatures become overwhelming in comparison to post content if too big


Originally posted by KeyStorm
What I'd like to request is:
Increasing the height limit to 150

why the increase in size if you are trying to save space?

This post was edited on 09-07-2005 at 01:02 AM by gif83.
09-07-2005 12:58 AM
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O.P. RE: A humble request for signatures
I'm trying to increase size limit in a way it would reduce overall height of posts.
Also, remember that for short posts, the occasionally stretching item is not the signature itself, but the postbit*, which can take certainly more than 300px height in most cases.

*The postbit is the left part of your post where a light version of your profile is shown.
Edit: This post is a clear example of what I'm trying to state. :)

This post was edited on 09-07-2005 at 01:11 AM by KeyStorm.
09-07-2005 01:09 AM
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Scruffy Ruffy

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RE: A humble request for signatures
i think there should be more signature space b/c the bottom of my signature gets cut off :undecided:
[Image: siggy20ss.jpg]
09-07-2005 01:10 AM
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RE: A humble request for signatures
but you could make the same changes and keep the same limit...

as for the stretching on the left, that would be a different problem to solve. anyway, stretching on the left only means that there is space between the posts, not making things any harder to read.

keeping a small sig limit would encourage people to have smaller sigs which tend to be better thought out.

anyways, i think the posts i have made basically cover what i have wanted to say...

to wrap up, i reckon keystorm has found a great way of utilising improved formatting to save on space. whether this empty space is unwanted i leave open to debate. sometimes space is needed for breathing.....
what i think would be a bad idea is to use the new formatting to allow larger signatures (i.e. increasing limit). this is mainly due to, in my humble opinion, the way that larger signatures can overwhelm a thread.

09-07-2005 01:23 AM
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O.P. RE: A humble request for signatures
I understand, but usually in most community boards I've been (I hardly dare to say all of them), the limit has been, at least 150px. I'm not requesting some huge 200+px, no. Just 25 pixels more, roughly the size of an emoticon.

I know that this extension of the rule sould be very much accepted among community members who usually find in their signatures an affordable way to publish they minimal artworks. :)
09-07-2005 01:29 AM
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RE: A humble request for signatures
well your suggestion isn't unreasonable... i gues you will have to leave that up to the people who decided it should be 125px to change their minds.... maybe bribe them? :p

but remember.. by limiting sig size.. you increase creativity and allow, or even promote young budding artists to become rather inventive...  i say... lets see wehat you can come up with :D
sig limits can provide great challenges for these members..
09-07-2005 01:36 AM
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RE: A humble request for signatures
I see your point, Keystorm. If you are only using existing space and not creating any more, then what is the problem? Perhaps if you offer nicely to recode the page they might let you :)
however, if it was my choice, I'd say no based solely on the argument that if you can't manage to convey what you want with the existing limit, you will probably be no more successful with an extra 25 pixels.

If it really bothers you, try making your avatar 150 pixels high. They don't have a limit on the height.

Edit: No, I guess it doesn't work :P

This post was edited on 09-07-2005 at 02:14 AM by multimillion2k.
09-07-2005 01:57 AM
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