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Removing MSN HandWriting
MSN HandWriting is a DLL that resides in your Messenger Plus! Plugins folder, usually located at:
C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins\
Before trying to remove the dll, make sure MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger are completely turned off, so also close them from your system tray.
After that, you should try to locate MSNHandWriting.dll in the above mentioned folder, and delete or rename it to something not ending in .dll
If you cannot find the dll, please make sure that system files are not hidden.
If Windows refuses to remove the dll, Please make sure with the task manager that neither of these processes is running: msnmsgr.exe, msmsgs.exe, msgplus.exe
If this did not yet fix your problem, you can try HandWriting DLL Uninstaller by Sk3tch...