RGB: 228 255 160
HSL: 55 255 208
CYMK: 21 0 49 0
Tint: 51 Intensity: 240 Brightness: 195
Html: #E4FFA0
('E4FFA0' is simply the RGB values in hexadecimal form (228=0xE4, 255=0xFF, 160=0xA0) and concatenated, also see
Originally posted by marissa
...if i dont get all the codes for this colour from PSP or PS
Don't you have PSP or PS yourself (or even Microsoft's own Paint)? In what do you create all those graphics you make then?
In MS Paint:
1) open up the graphic.
2) select the color dropper thingie (3rd down from the left column).
3) select the color of your choice in the graphic you've openend.
4) Go to the menu "Colors > Edit Colors" (5th menu)
5) In the color dialog that pops up press the button
"define custom colors"
6) Read out the RGB values and convert them to hexadecimal format.