I just installed Partition Magic 8 (to make another partition obviously

)....and I wanted to install BootMagic 7 also (BootMagic 7 is from PowerQuest....which is now owned by Symantec....<I downloaded Partition Magic 8 from PowerQuest before Symantec Fuc*** it up

When I try to install it I get this error
I know what it means but any reason for this?
I have
C: = 60gb NTFS
D: = 40gb NTFS
planning to install Vista beta on D: (on a seperate partition (thats where Partition Magic comes in)) and use BootMagic to setup the boot stuff...
I don't trust myself with the boot ini....so please help
Why wont it install
Any way to fix?
Thanks In Advance,
EDIT: oh well solved that.....I am looking on google atm for boot managers....but does anyone recommend one?