Well, the OS i have is MAC for x86 (Supposed to be Intel/AMD cpus)... I think you already know about this release. If you don't know yet take a look
HERE. I searched on this official site they only mention Intel. I have an AMD XP 2500+ cpu.
Originally posted by Johny
Just a doubt, do you have your CD Drive on your boot sequence ?
Yes, it's a DVD disc. Actully I'm able to load up the setup program, but it's 'Preparing' the installation, after reading some files from the disc it will ask to reboot the computer, then I reboot the computer, and once again it will ask to reboot the computer, and so on..... I'm unable to go further.
Originally posted by Adeptus
See if any of these guides help.
By the way, I don't know a lot about this subject, but it is my understanding that only specially patched versions can be installed on non-Apple hardware. If you are using an unmodified, original copy, it won't work.
Well, it HAS to work with a MAC for x86 release. BTW, it's not modified, actully Apple made this release some time ago.
But thanks anyways, I'll take a loot at those guides and then post results here.