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Essay about Romeo and Juliet
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O.P. Essay about Romeo and Juliet
“Romeo and Juliet” is a classical 16th century Shakespeare play. However does it merely reflect the lives of the 16th century, or can the play replicate our lives we inhabit today, in the 21st century? Numerous people believe Shakespeare’s plays have no place in today’s academic studies. But I hope to persuade you that this is not so, that the themes and extraordinary poetic brilliance still have a definite position in today’s narrative society. By focusing on the language used, the historical features of the society and the thematic influences.

The story commences with the conflict between the Capulet’s and the Montague’s.-


“Two households, both alike in dignity, in Fair Verano, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean”

The immense grudge between two families confined great hatred, but amongst the animosity, the force of love was flourishing between the young children, “Romeo and Juliet”. The feuding of the families was the whole reason for the ultimate tragedy, they should have reconciled their differences years before. The reasons for their fighting seems unknown. Just as so many people believe that the USA was so wrong about invading Iraq, they belived there was no significant reason and subsequently so many people perished.

Juliet’s father wishes for her to marry Paris, a rich handsome young man. This shows that he wants Juliet to be happy and have a secure future, quote.

Act 1 scene 1-Capulet:

“She’s the hopeful lady of my earth
But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart,
My will to her consent is but a part”.

Although Juliet’s father believed he needed to improve her social standing by her marrying Paris, his superior social class would provide prestige and money. This is also apparent today; fathers are often very protective and wish the best for their children. Although some of the ways in which Juliet’s father displayed these motives to her, the intention always remains indistinguishable, that he sought after her having a secure and blissful future. This connection shows that parents still want the best for their children and will go to extreme lengths to acquire this. Some parents spend thousands for private tuition just to enhance the intelligence of their children, believing this will broaden their social reputation and enable them to become a superior character within society. Some execute such an activity as they believe that if the children are respected then this will improve other peoples opinions of them as parents, so this can be done for the Children or often just for the honour and selfishness of the parents. Honour is one of the main reasons that Juliet’s father attempts to marry Juliet to Paris, because he wishes to retain his honour as he had promised Paris the hand of Juliet

Some societies today still believe that women are completely inferior and although the aspect of having to get forcedly married is dying out in today’s western society and culture since there is wide spread promiscuity, some cultures like Pakistan and other religions still have this regulation. People in the 16th century used to interpret bible passages or twist them to indicate that women are inferior. When juliet disobays these regulations her father is enraged because he believes he is trying to do the best for her and she is shown disrespecting him.

Act 3  scene 5 -Capulet:

'Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch!
I tell thee what: get thee to church a' Thursday,
Or never after look me in the face..
And you be mine I'll give you to my friend...'

The themes of death and violence permeate Romeo and Juliet, and they are always connected to passion, whether that passion is love or hate. The connection between hate, violence, and death seems obvious. Like the  overwhelming passionate love connecting Romeo and Juliet and the pure hatred between the “The Montagues” and “the Capulets”. But the connection between love and violence requires further investigation. Although we are not told exactly what it was the started this conflict it could be for many reasons, for example; religious, territorial, financial, imperialism. But mainly due to stereotypes, Some members of the Capulet’s and Montague’s have never even met and yet they hate each other. Why? Because of a person's last name. This is also extremely reflective of how some people stereotype others and due to this stereotyping they often ending up hating them, this can be damaging in a society. For example, some naive people often dislike Germans due to their past Nazi history, although its more apparant that the Germans themselves detest their unscrupulous history more than anyone. So it is clear that the stereotyping of people can often lead to more conflict and hatred.

This can reflect other conflicts such as the extract:

“The police handling of the inquiry into the murder of a 15-year-old is to be independently investigated.

Jessie James was shot dead in Raby Street, Moss Side, on 9 September.”

This vicious attack seems to be the result of this child merely entering a rival gang land territory, similar to the numerous brawls the two gangs have within Romeo and Juliet, of which ends up Tybalt murdering Mercutio .This shows the similarities of how vindictive people can be when it comes to pride and honour.

It seems such attacks always commence subsequent to some variety of taunt, this demonstrates similarities linking the “biting of thumbs”, which was the taunt used from one rival to the other in the “Romeo and Juliet”.

Act 1 scene 1

'Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is disgrace to them if the bear it.

Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir?

Where as today equal taunts can reflect the same significance for example, displaying the “middle finger” to another, can often be a sign of disrespect or taunt. Other phrases can be used as a taunt in modern society as apparant also in Romeo and Juliet.

In Shakespeare time, the “nobles” used Iambic pentameter where as the poor used prose. In this day and age this  sort of stereotype is still apparent. Some examples of this superior / inferior language is.
-Using stereotypes of – “the royal family” against the stereotype of- “poor Londoner” these 2 sentences give evidence that the “poorer” of the 2 uses inferior lingual structure.

The Royal Family- “Has the time come upon us of whom we will be requiring an afternoon beverage”

Poor Londoner- “Get us a cuppa!”
Although these two examples are quite extreme it can be shown in a smaller scale….

The greater socially challenged the person may be, the more inferior his/her vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, reading etc will be. In the majority of scenarios, although there are always going to be exceptions. So there is a great similarity between the lingual usages of the different types of classes in the society.

Throughout the play there are many sacrafices, Romeo and Juliet were willing to sacrifice their relationship with their families in order to be together. Tragicly at the end of the play, both Romeo and Juliet sacrafice their own lives because they believe they can not live without the other.

Act 5 scene 3- Juliet:

“ Go get thee hense, for i will not away
What’s here? A cup clos’d in my true love’s hand?
Poison i see hath been his timeless end.
O churl, drunk all, and left no friends drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips,
Haply some poison yet doth hand on them,
To make me die with a restorative.
Thy lips are warm”

“ Yea, noise? Then i’ll be breif. O happy dagger,
This is thy sheath”

These sacraficial acts are so comparable to others in todays civilization, people today perform human sacrifice, in the context of religious ritual, although this often only occurs in some traditional religions, for example in muti killings in Eastern Africa. There are less extreme sacrafices that people have to make every day, be it for you who gets the prefered outcome, or you who makes the sacrafice as to improve someone elses equities.

Furthermore, it is apparent that there is a clear connection and relevance relating “Romeo and Juliet” to the 21st century and although this play displayed immense romantic thematic, not exactly boy/girl love but nonetheless you can explore the theme of undying commitment as being a prevalent idea in Romeo and Juliet and apply it to this example.   

This post was edited on 10-30-2006 at 04:11 PM by flanders56.
10-20-2006 08:54 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
Originally posted by flanders56
are they no educated people in which can analyse a 15 year olds essay?
May be there is no one here who wants to read your essay. Shortage of time and us having our own work to do are 2 major reasons. There are other reasons too, but never mind.
Please be patient and wait for someone to reply to your thread :)


10-20-2006 11:11 AM
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O.P. RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
kk cheers :P
10-20-2006 11:13 AM
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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
Originally posted by flanders56
Act 3  scene 5 -Capulet
The father is locked into his own firm believe and tradition. You can't realy blame the father for telling Juliet to mary Paris. If he is to blame, you only can blame him for being stuck into traditions. Afterall, his marriage with Juliet's mother was also fixed, Love came afterwards and he (and Juliet's mother) are happy too.

His reaction of banning Juliet when she doesn't comply, is only human and one can say that such a reaction is proof of his love for her.

Originally posted by flanders56
Act 5 scene 3- Juliet:

“ Go get thee hense, for i will not away
What’s here? A cup clos’d in my true love’s hand?
Poison i see hath been his timeless end.
O churl, drunk all, and left no friends drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips,
Haply some poison yet doth hand on them,
To make me die with a restorative.
Thy lips are warm”

“ Yea, noise? Then i’ll be breif. O happy dagger,
This is thy sheath”

These sacraficial acts are so comparable to others in todays civilization, people today perform human sacrifice, in the context of religious ritual, although this often only occurs in some traditional religions, for example in muti killings in eastern Africa. There are less extreme sacrafices that people have to make every day, be it for you who gets the prefered outcome, or you who makes the sacrafice as to improve someone elses equities.
I think you missed a bit the point of this act and scene. It isn't about human sacrifice, let alone in the context of religions.


The overall examples given are good, but IMHO, are taken too literally of the play. eg: the whole situation of the reaction of the father to ban Juliet if she don't marry Paris, can be reflected to what parents do today: If you want something, but your parents think it is not the best for you, they can react in a somewhat extreme way (in your eyes). But this is only because they want the best for you, the best as they know it.

In other words, try not to take the situation too literally (eg: mariage), but think about similar situation or what the underlying meaning can be.

Originally posted by flanders56
are they no educated people in which can analyse a 15 year olds essay?
Analyzing such an essay is much work and requires big (but interesting) discussions. One analyzation can also be quite different than the other, yet both can be correct.

I suggest you try to contact someone which you can speak to in real life as that would be much better for analyzing/discussing this. eg: A teacher in your school? People at the local theater? etc...

Originally posted by Dazmatic
and i dont think anyone wants too read through your whole stupid "essay" anyway 8-)
If you don't have anything usefull to say, don't post at all...

Not only are you dead wrong that people do not want to read it, that essay is not stupid at all. And you would learn a lot if you actually read it or do the same: analyzing theaticral plays. They quite often indeed have very big underlying themes which can indeed be reflected upon the world of today.

This post was edited on 10-21-2006 at 02:00 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
10-20-2006 12:12 PM
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O.P. RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
thank u very much for ur input i will further read and analyse that particular scene :D
10-20-2006 12:22 PM
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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
The best person to read your essay before handing it in is your teacher. :P

Oh, and the title of the novel should be in italics instead of quotation marks.

Originally posted by flanders56
Numerous people believe Shakespeare's plays have no place in today's academic studies. But I hope to persuade you that this is not so, that the themes and extraordinary poetic brilliance still have a definite position in today's narrative society. By focusing on the language used the historical features of the society, and the thematic influences.

Numerous people believe Shakespeare's plays have no place in today's academic studies, however this is not so. The themes and extraordinary poetic brilliance still have a definite position in today's narrative society because it focuses on the language used the historical features of the society, and the thematic influences.

Better? I don't know. I'm doing English Lit at A Level but I've never read this novel :P And I'd help more, but I'd just end up doing the essay for you lol >.<

This post was edited on 10-20-2006 at 09:30 PM by FrozenDaggers.
10-20-2006 09:21 PM
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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
Originally posted by FrozenDaggers
I'm doing English Lit at A Level but I've never read this novel

How the hell did you get away with that?! I had to do it in GCSE :o
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
10-21-2006 12:40 AM
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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
I'm not sure if your essay is supposed to conform to any specific writing style, but from what I can tell, it's kinda just all sprawled out.
10-21-2006 03:36 AM
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Phillup you little devil you/..

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RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
Well its a not bad esay, is all i can say, as im too young to really understand it all, btw puniksem unblock me as i was just jokiing jeez, just wanted to know your response lol....
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10-21-2006 12:21 PM
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RE: RE: Essay about Romeo and Juliet
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Originally posted by FrozenDaggers
I'm doing English Lit at A Level but I've never read this novel

How the hell did you get away with that?! I had to do it in GCSE :o

I did Julius Caesar, the other group did R & J.
10-21-2006 08:57 PM
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