O.P. Baseball Players & Steriods.
This is a nasty subject to start. so many people are with it, and so many people are against the idea.
Why dont they just leave them all alone, seriously? its the stupidest thing, and its going nowhere. we are just going to lose players, and with no players, how the hell are we going to have the american baseball we've always loved???
its going to be some stiff game.. with like steriod tests half way throughout the game or somethin a$$ tight like that. Paramedics and doctors all over, you know. piss tests before and after the game. ha ha ha. it makes no sense to me. seriously. Am i the only one that thinks this??
What baseball player HASNT done steriods? so what if they do?? It still made the games fun. They didnt hurt anyone, did they? nobody got physically hurt. no blood, no bashing, no victims.... unless your a dumbass that thinks your head is the mitt or something...
Leave barry bonds alone.. leave his world record alone. for all we know, babe ruth probably used steriods too. its been around for centuries.
..geez... haha