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PC to TV link
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O.P. PC to TV link
Hey i was wondering if anybody knew a good "link-up" for pc to tv

Sort of like this:


any reccomendations would be appreciated :)
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07-05-2008 05:49 PM
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RE: PC to TV link
How much distance do you need to bridge? Is there no PC close enough to hook some cable directly to the TV?

I've only had bad experiences with these kind of wireless video transporters, but that was a couple of years ago.
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07-05-2008 06:22 PM
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O.P. RE: PC to TV link
It's 4 metres (but there is a wall in between)..

I saw some reviews on amazon, even the good ones seem to have trouble with connecting..
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07-05-2008 06:43 PM
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RE: PC to TV link
It depends on the wall too, is it a real wall or just some lame wood and drywall?

edit: i had one of those once and it couldn't get across a couple of solid walls... also, its kinda lame cause you can't control the computer/tv remotely... you need another device for that...

This post was edited on 07-05-2008 at 07:16 PM by Voldemort.
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07-05-2008 07:12 PM
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RE: PC to TV link
Most of those devices work exactly the same, use the same frequencies (2.4GHz band) and the same transmitter power output (10 mW). This makes that for 99% of all those devices there is no good one or bad one. They are all the same, just some different brands/designs.

PS: the transmitter power output dictates the strength of the signal.

This also means that you shouldn't buy more expensive ones, since they most likely will not perform any better than the cheap ones.

(there are exceptions, but those involve professional devices which costs 4 times the amount of "home range" devices, which you wont find on shopping sites like Amazon, nor in the retail store).

Because of the low signal power, the frequencies being used (which are the same than most wireless stuff) and most importantly: because it is an analog signal, you will have interferance. Even with short distances (eg: 3 to 4 meters) you can have a lot of distortions, especially if there are Wifi signals around or other wireless transmitting devices. Heck, it might even depend on you sitting down or walking around the room....

So don't be surprised if it doesn't work, or work very badly or only sometimes! If it works for you, great, if it doesn't, too bad.... This is what might be possible and there is nothing you can do about it (since it uses permit free transmission). So don't spend a lot of money on these things while expecting quality in return...

Then there also solutions which involve the power grid as a medium to send the video (much like old baby-phones). But those have even more problems with signal distortion and all. And the idea of hooking up your PC and TV to the power grid like that is a big no-no IMHO (safety reasons)....

Originally posted by Voldemort
its kinda lame cause you can't control the computer/tv remotely...
In many of those devices there is a build-in infrared, so you can use your VCR/DVD/PC remote. But it works in the opposite way than the video signal.

It is the box which you hook up to your TV which has the infrared transmitter, and it is the box you hook up to your PC (VCR/DVD) which passes the IR signal to your PC (VCR/DVD). Which is more logic since you can then control the VCR (which is another room) while you watch the TV. Which is the common application for such devices:

for the video signal:
TV --- video reciever <-----------------------------> video transmitter --- PC/DVD/VCR/...

for the infrared (thus used with your VCR/DVD/PC remote):
TV --- IR transmitter <-----------------------------> infrared reciever --- PC/DVD/VCR/...

                 /\ box labeled 'reciever'                            /\ box labeled 'transmitter'

However note that if your PC uses IrDA instead of common IR, it quite often wont work. Such an infrared signal from a PC-remote is not compatible with the common infrared signal of a TV remote.


PS: £100 for something like that is way too overprized....usually such stuff costs around half that price (without any sales or promotion).

Especially if that device does not have a build-in VGA to composite video converter. In other words, that device depicted on Amazon still requires your PC to have a Video-out; you can not hook up the VGA directly to that device!!!

To say it differently: the title of that product ("PC to TV wireless link") is a total misconception!!

There is nothing special about this device and it is exactly the same thing as all those (way cheaper) wireless TV devices like this one or this one (which is a very well known brand and device for stuff like that, probably the most sold also).


If you want basic quality, stay away from these things....
(the quality is equally worse than the old UHF/VHF antenna recievers on TVs)

This post was edited on 07-05-2008 at 08:43 PM by CookieRevised.
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07-05-2008 08:05 PM
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RE: PC to TV link
Originally posted by CookieRevised
In most of those devices there is a build-in infrared, so you can use your VCR/DVD/PC remote.
;o mine did not have that, i had to buy an infrared addon thingy
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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07-05-2008 08:36 PM
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O.P. RE: PC to TV link
Thanks Cookie and Voldemort. They all sound pretty risky (money/set-up-ability wise), so I might give it a miss now.
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07-06-2008 11:00 PM
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