Originally posted by matty
Why not just update and make all the modifications to 1.4 instead of staying with our current version!
Hmm, what's a nice way of saying 1.4 still sucks and I don't want to use it?

I spent lots of time testing it in August-September, and I wasn't very impressed overall. There are plenty of improvements, but it was full of bugs, and it was clear that some functionality had never been tested before public release. Heck, even some bug fixes were never tested and failed to actually fix anything, or they introduced new bugs.
Release announcements with lists of reported bugs: 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4 (unfortunately all the reports are hidden away archived in a private forum)
The code is still a mess, too. It looks like no attempt was made to fix all the uninitialized variables, and if you increase the PHP error_reporting level for debugging, your screen will fill up with notices. Most of the code is poorly-commented, and some parts make no sense or lack a clear purpose, or are overly complex/confusing. All of that makes it harder to write modifications.
Rewriting this board's old post parser is a small project that makes an immediate improvement and isn't likely to break anything or cause any major headaches... I can't say the same about upgrading MyBB. ¬¬