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Chat window text menu bug
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Danny <3 Sarah

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O.P. Chat window text menu bug
I'm using the following code in the 920 definition file to centre the icons at the top of the chat window:

<element id=atom(taskbarcontainer) layout=borderlayout() CmdGroup=guid("{0214a791-5450-498f-8860-f8f22844edfa}")>
<*PlusSkin Conditions(CentreConvIcons = false) *><element layoutpos=4 layout=filllayout()></*PlusSkin*>
<*PlusSkin Conditions(CentreConvIcons = true) *><element layoutpos=4 layout=flowlayout(0,2,2,2)></*PlusSkin*>
<Toolbar Accessible=True Layout=FillLayout()>

The two conditional tags replace a previous line that was simply: <element layoutpos=4>

However something strange happens.

Normal behaviour when changing the size of a chat window (specifically the width) is that the text labels on the buttons disappear from right to left as the window becomes too small for them to be displayed.  The reverse happens when you re-size the window to make it bigger: the labels re-appear left to right

But with the icons centered this changes.  If you re-size a chat window smaller then the text labels disappear, but if you then make it bigger again the labels remain hidden.  They only re-appear if you stretch the window open REALLY quickly (snapping the mouse across).

It may be a problem with my code......but I'm similar code elsewhere without a problem, however nowhere else includes the disappearing text labels, so I'm wondering if this is a bug or if somehow it's intended behaviour, or some messenger setting over-riding my settings.

Edit: Just realised that the 'Block' button (ie furthest right) never regains its text regardless of slow/fast expanding

This post was edited on 01-14-2009 at 10:51 PM by djdannyp.
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Elite Member

Danny <3 Sarah

Posts: 3546
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Joined: Mar 2006
O.P. RE: Chat window Icon Text bug
Bumping this thread as it's still semi-happening with WLM 2009 final.

Obviously the icons are gone now and it's just text labels.

They centre themselves perfectly but when re-sizing chats they SOMETIMES remain hidden by chevron (this usually happens when you manually expand the window slowly), and it remains even when fully expanding the window again.

This time, the only way to restore them to normal is to hide the toolbar and re-show it (which works every time).

The code is the same as above.....any ideas anyone?
[Image: 1ftt0hpk-signature.png]
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5250 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 58 seconds ago
01-14-2009 10:47 PM
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